Learning Intentions
Understand features of a good conversation.
Success Criteria
Watch "How to have a good conversation" by Celeste Headlee.
Complete the Consolidation Task provided.
What is communication?
Definition: Communication is when a message is sent by one person and received by another.
What is a good conversation?
A great conversation requires a balance between talking and listening. This balance is important because bad communication leads to bad relationships, at home, at work, everywhere.
How to Have a Good Conversation - Celeste Headlee
Science with Dobrich
Undergoing Updates
This content is undergoing updates.
Please check back throughout the year.
By the end of this section, you should be able to:
LG1 - Describe DNA, its function and where it can be found in the body.
LG2 - Compare DNA, chromosomes, genes and proteins.
LG3 - Explain the relationship between chromosomes, chromatids and centromeres.
LG4 - Describe the structure of DNA including its components and basic building block.
LG5 - Explain how DNA is replicated in the process of making more cells (mitosis).
LG6 - Describe the process of mitosis, outlining the stages that occur in the cell.
LG7 - Compare mitosis cell division to meiosis cell division.
LG8 - Explain how variation occurs in populations.
Review & Consolidation